Counter-Strike ∙ B-Site

B-Site, Sustainability and Ko-Fi

TL;DR: I'm opening up a Ko-Fi page.

B-Site started, way back, as I started working on a project for match coverage and news way back in March 2022. I launched it in a Beta state around April, little did I know that a long running effort to revive was in the works, which burst onto the scene in May and has been providing excellent, high quality content since.

The website alpha

Immediately, I realised that the scope for the project needed to change, but at the time I didn’t have the time to invest into reworking it. I chalked it up to a good first attempt and let it dwindle for a while.

Since then, I’ve launched Stratbox, a team management application for Counter-Strike teams, as well as Casterbox (in private beta) for casters to structure their research and create broadcast graphics in a flash. These projects, as well as experimenting with server log parsing with the Twisted Mod for CS:GO (featured in the No Major’s Club Antwerp 2022 Showmatch), set me up nicely with the foundational knowledge to finally have another stab at a coverage site.

Without having to worry about editorial, I dove straight in on the scorebot side. Which, to be honest, was where I always wanted to be anyway. I launched in late October 2023, and open-sourced a month later after testing with the UKIC College Varsity Qualifiers and a more large-scale test at EPIC40.

Since then, I’ve added ESEA League coverage for both Advanced and Main, as well as support for custom tournaments on FACEIT, such as the UKIC League. I currently have an active application for demo downloads, which will make the statistics I can provide way better.

Alongside this I’ve also created an ESEA Tracker, which adds heaps of functionality for players that isn’t readily available on the main FACEIT website. These features include a search box (radical, I know), filtering teams by the number of players from a given country and Discord webhook notifications for match reschedules. Useful for both teams, casters and viewers alike.

All of this does, ultimately, come at a cost however. Both server resources (which thankfully are quite low at the moment) and my time. Additionally, FACEIT are also in the process of putting their demo downloads API behind a paywall, which will add to the potential future costs of the site.


So all of this preamble leads to this, I’m opening a Ko-Fi page up for anyone who wants to support these efforts. Any contribution, recurring or one-off, will be highly appreciated.

Let's Chat

email: harry [at] hjb [dot] dev
discord: indexgg