Software Dev ∙ Commentator ∙ Production ∙ Video Editor


Sometimes waffling for a job isn't enough.

Calculating how many units I consume on a night out, with PocketBase

Exposing my degeneracy while also teaching you a little bit about how pivot tables work.

SQLite ∙ Databases ∙ Pocketbase

I went on a little day drinking session with some friends a few weekends ago. As the conversation sh...

Teamspeak and Discord: The old vs the new

Where's the middle ground?

Gaming ∙ Voice Chat ∙ Software

Like many gamers, I started off using Skype. It let me and my friends talk shit while playing Minecr...

Counter-Strike 2: Where are the callouts stored?

A deep dive into the Source 2 vmap format in search of callout definitions.

Counter-Strike 2 ∙ Code

In CS:GO, if you wanted to extract the bounding boxes for callouts, all you had to do was parse the...

B-Site, Sustainability and Ko-Fi

TL;DR: I'm opening up a Ko-Fi page.

Counter-Strike ∙ B-Site

B-Site started, way back, as I started working on a project for match coverage and news way...

Let's Chat

email: harry [at] hjb [dot] dev
discord: indexgg