Laravel ∙ Vue ∙ Go ∙ JS


Full stack software developer

Counter-Strike Team Software


A tool that encompasses all aspects of Counter-Strike team management.

Featuring a calendar, grenade database and custom strategy editor.

Games you play on your TV


Party games you watch on your TV and control with your phones.

Scorebot for UK CS


Live scorebot and match pages for UK Counter-Strike matches.

Research tool for esports commentators


AI driven insights and note structuring.

The Tech

I've cultivated a tech stack that will work wonders in making your dreams a reality.


Laravel completed my search for the perfect bedrock for projects. It's fast, secure and importantly, well maintained.


Styling can be time consuming and can quickly get out of hand. Tailwind lets me iterate faster than a F1 car.


I'm familiar with multiple forms of SQL database. MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, throw them at me.


My framework of choice, but it's not all I know. I've got familiarity with React and Alpine as well.


I don't just know how to build your product, I know how to give it the infrastructure it needs to thrive, too.

Something Else

Project requirements need something different? I'm always on the lookout to learn new tech.

Let's Chat

email: harry [at] hjb [dot] dev
discord: indexgg